Arundel Federal is honored to team-up with Pan Pals, Pandemic Pen Pals, which connects children of local, essential front-line Coronavirus workers with high school teens.

The burden placed on our essential front-line workers affects the whole family, especially the kids when their parents cannot be home. Pan Pals, the vision of Severna Park High School Junior Lucy Feldman, matches volunteer teens with elementary aged school children of Coronavirus essential workers for a pen pal relationship. Children receive at least one hand-written letter per week.

Upon signing up, Arundel Federal is providing each child with a Pan Pal Backpack gift bag which includes a note pad, stamps and writing utensils. There are also hopes for an Ice-Cream Social at some point in the future as the Coronavirus restrictions are lifted.

“There are so many commendable outreach efforts of help and support being done right now because of the Coronavirus. This one was close to our hearts because it focuses on children. In such a disorienting environment, being on lock-down and unable to see their friends, the Pan Pal endeavor is just what these kids need to voice their feelings, make a new friend, and brighten up their day. It is our privilege to help” states Tom Herpel, President and CEO of Arundel Federal.

Please help make this fun for kids by providing an item for the gift bag. 100 items will be needed. Contact Jeanne Slaughter at

Sign your child up, help support the cause or learn more about Pan Pals here.

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